Go-li language user manual

func Compar(a, b *) int

func Transpose(matrix [], stride int) (o [], newstride int)

func Sort(compar func(*,*), slice [])


Go Li also known as go language improved is a prototype programming language to test a limited “generics” features added to go language. It allows to use parameterized functions also known as generic functions. Each such a function is parametrized by exactly one type, known as the wildcard type.


Visit http://go-li.github.io/xgtest.html# to use an online playground. Or download a source to source translator from the url https://github.com/go-li/transpiler. This translator is able to translate source code packages from go-li to golang. It is invoked ./transpiler -P /source/arbitrary/package/directory -T /destination/package/directory.

Alternatively, you can try the experimental gccgo based compiler below.

Basic usage

package main

import "fmt"

func reverse(args ...) [] {
        for i := 0; i < len(args)/2; i++ {
                args[i], args[len(args)-1-i] = args[len(args)-1-i], args[i]
        return args

func main(){
        fmt.Println(reverse("World", "Hello"))


In this example we demonstrate a reverse(args ...) generic function. Reverse is a generic function, because it has a parameter of a generic type.

What is a generic type? What generic types exist?

Generic type is any type that contains the omitted type placeholder, or one that contains another generic type. The following table lists examples of commonly used generic types:



Reason why generic


Generic pointer to wildcard type

Has omitted type placeholder


Generic slice of wildcard types

Has omitted type placeholder


Generic varargs slice

Has omitted type placeholder


Generic key to integer map

Has omitted type placeholder


Map containing generic values

Has omitted type placeholder


Map with same key and value type

Has omitted type placeholders


Generic channel

Has omitted type placeholder

type T *

Named generic type T

Contains omitted type placeholder

struct {

    A *


Generic struct containing a field with generic pointer type

Contains another generic type

func (a *)

Generic callback signature

Contains generic type param/ret

func ()(a *)

Generic callback signature

Contains generic type param/ret

interface {



Generic interface with generic method Foo with generic pointer result type

Contains generic method Foo that has a generic signature due to generic pointer function result.

Any named type with underlying generic type is also a generic type.

What is a generic function or method?

Each generic function must satisfy the following two rules:

  1. It must be toplevel (in the file scope). Generic closures are invalid.
  2. It must have at least one parameter with generic type. (Generic result is not sufficient.)

The reason for the first rule is that generic closures are currently disallowed because generic closures are rarely if never useful. The reason for the second rule is that it must be possible to derive the wildcard type from every single callsite. Without a generic function parameter, this is impossible. For this reason top-level functions having only generic typed results and no generic typed parameters are invalid. The following table lists several examples of generic and non generic top-level functions together with validity:





func Add1(a int) int { return a + 1; }

not generic



func passPtr(a *) * { return a; }




func returnEmptyGslice() [] { return nil; }

not generic



func tryGclosure() { func(*){}((*int)(nil)); }

not generic


Suppose we want to return nil slice of arbitrary type? How do we fix the function 3? It’s simple, we add some generic typed parameter. When we call the function, we can pass a typed nil.

package main

func returnEmptyGslice(_ *) [] {

        return nil;


func main() {

        intslice := returnEmptyGslice((*int)(nil))   // wildcard is int

        byteslice := returnEmptyGslice((*byte)(nil)) // wildcard is byte




Calling top-level generic functions

When calling top-level generic function, for every call site, there are these rules:

  1. It must be possible to derive the wildcard type
  2. It must be possible to derive the concrete named return types for every generic named return type (if any).
  3. There can not be any wildcard type conflict (with the exception of interface{} wildcard and concrete varargs passed as … typed variadic parameters )

In the following wildcard type derivation examples, we are going to call this top-level function:

func Wildcards(a *, b func(*,*), c []) {


We are going to call Wildcards function using these callsites. We assume the function Wildcards is called from a non-generic function. Validity and explanation why follow the call site code:

Call site




Wildcards(nil, nil, nil)


Untyped nil derived from all args


Wildcards((*int)(nil), nil, nil)


Wildcard is int (from param a)


Wildcards(nil, func(*int,*int){}, nil)


Wildcard is int (from param b)


Wildcards(nil, nil, []byte{})


Wildcard is byte (from param c)


Wildcards((*int)(nil), nil, ([]byte)(nil))


Wildcard is int (from a) or byte (from c) [rule 3]

What follows is we are going to call top-level generic function Varargs.

func Varargs(a *, b ...) {


Call site




Varargs(nil, 0)


Wildcard is int (from param b)


Varargs(nil, 0, “hello”)


Wildcard is int (from b) or string (from b) [rule 3]




Wildcard is int (from param a)




Untyped nil derived from a [rule 1]


Varargs((interface{})(nil), 0, “hello”)


Wildcard is interface{} (from a) and interface{} (from b) [rule 3]

Generic named type callsites with concrete type mappings

It’s possible to pass named concrete types as named generic parameters. This demonstrates this feature. In this scenario, from argument x and parameter a it can be derived that the type Tint is the concrete type that implements the generic type T

package main

type T *

type Tint *int

func accept(a T) T {

        return a


func main() {

        var x Tint

        x = accept(x)


The following demo is invalid. The translator has no way to know what concrete type should the variable y in main have. In other words, the possibility that generic type Y shall become concrete type Yint is unrelated to the fact that the generic type X becomes the concrete type Xint.

// This demo does not compile

package main

type X *

type Y *

type Xint *int

type Yint *int

func reject(a X) Y {

        return a


func main() {

        var x Xint

        y := reject(x)


Operations allowed in generic functions

Examples of compile time type safe operations


Operation name

Type of a

Type of b

*a = *b

Copy generic value



*a, *b = *b, *a

Swap generic value



*a = b[0]

Copy slice value



a = &b[0]

Set pointer to a slice value



a = b

Copy slice header



a[4] = b[5]

Copy slice value



a = make([], b)

Make a generic slice



a = b[4:5]

Reslice a generic slice



_ = a[*b]

Wildcard keyed map lookup



a = make(map[int], b)

Make a wildcard valued map



*a = b[5]

Copy map value to ptr elem.



a(b, nil)

Run generic callback or func



a = b((*)(nil))

Pass wildcard type to call



a <- *b

Send on generic chan



a = b

copy variable to interface{}


Any generic

Examples of run time “type safe” operations


Why not compile time safe

Type of a

Type of b

a = make(map[]bool, b)

Panic due incomparable key




a might point to non-int type


So what can we use this “generics” for

This is not a well studied area. A surprising uses of this mechanism could be discovered. Let’s first try to summarise what is known to be possible today. By possible we mean it’s done in a compile time type safe way.

Sorting of slices. Binary heap built from a slice. Byte array keyed arbitrary valued sorted sets (AVL tree). Max(a,b), Min(a,b) functions for arbitrary types. Double slice arbitrary keyed arbitrary valued hashtable that is only 20% slower than builtin map. Type safe doubly linked list. Leaky pool. Ring buffer “queue” made from a slice. Map[foo]struct{} set. float64/float32 agnostic math functions like transpose, matrix multiply by constant.

Not compile time type safe:

Deduplicate a slice by throwing things into a map. Convert a slice using function to arbitrary another type slice.


Call traits. Graphs for instance immediate dominator. Bimap. Multiple indexes over a collections. data accessors in Dietmar Kühl's Masters Thesis on generic graph algorithms. Caches. Compile-time type-safe sync.Pool. Set operations over collections.

Errors and solutions

undetermined wildcard from missing varargs in call to foo

You have a varargs only function like:

func foo(args ...) {


You can’t call it like: foo()

You need to provide at least one argument from which the wildcard type can be determined. For instance you can pass typed nil to the function: foo((*int)(nil)) . Or you can pass some concrete (the same) types, for instance foo("a","b","c") . Or foo(1,2,3)

cannot convert nil (untyped nil value) to untyped void

You can’t call it like: foo(nil)

You need to provide some argument from which the wildcard type can be determined. For instance you can pass typed nil to the function: foo((*int)(nil))

wildcard cannot be untyped nil (untyped nil value)

You have a generic pointer accepting function like:

func accept(ptr *) {


You can’t call it like: accept(nil)

You need to provide some argument from which the wildcard type can be determined. For instance you can pass typed nil to the function: accept((*int)(nil))

GCCGO-li user manual

Installation - x86-64 Linux only

1.        Download the gccgo-8.0.1-006.tar.xz from the generics slack chat channel. The URL of the channel is: https://gophers.slack.com/messages/C88U9BFDZ/

2.        After downloading, verify the authenticity of the file.

$ sha256sum gccgo-8.0.1-006.tar.xz

337c04797b7c2c0fc7e586b309fad19cac864dfd9f7ef4420f0f427123db3ccd  gccgo-8.0.1-006.tar.xz

3.        Unpack the archive ether from the file browser or using command:

$ tar -xf gccgo-8.0.1-006.tar.xz

You can unpack it to any location. But the rest of the guide assumes you moved the unpacked gccgo folder to /opt. The file structure should be like this:


├── gccgo

│   ├── bin

│   │   ├── c++

│   │   ├── cpp

│   │   ├── g++

│   │   ├── gcc

│   │   ├── gcc-ar


Now it’s installed. You can skip to testing the installation.

Installation from source

You need gcc source from gcc.gnu.org, and the generics patches from github.

For example I’ve downloaded gcc-8-20180325.tar.xz and these patches:



You also need the backend patch, known as patch zero.patch:


Create a folder gccgo and inside a folder emptydir and gofrontend. Unpack the gcc archive to emptydir. In gofrontend create two folders go and libgo. Put the patches to gofrontend.

This guide assumes you are building in /tmp/gccgo. If you plan to shut down your computer, pick an alternate location for example in your home folder.


├── emptydir

│   ├── gcc-8-20180325

│   ...

├── gofrontend

│   ├── go

│   ├── libgo

│   ├── arrayaccess.patch

│   ├── generics.patch

│   ├── zero.patch


Copy over everything from /tmp/gccgo/emptydir/gcc-8-20180325/gcc/go/gofrontend/ to /tmp/gccgo/gofrontend/go/. Also copy everything from /tmp/gccgo/emptydir/gcc-8-20180325/libgo/ to /tmp/gccgo/gofrontend/libgo/

Now run this in the gofrontend folder to apply the changes from github:

patch -p1 < arrayaccess.patch

patch -p1 < generics.patch

In folder emptydir run this recipe

cd gcc-8-20180325/

patch -p1 < ../../gofrontend/zero.patch

rm -rf gcc/go/gofrontend

ln -s /tmp/gccgo/gofrontend/go gcc/go/gofrontend

mkdir libgotmp/

mv libgo/go libgotmp/

mv libgo/mics libgotmp/

mv libgo/runtime libgotmp/

rm -rf libgo

mkdir libgo/

mv libgotmp/go libgo/

mv libgotmp/mics libgo/

mv libgotmp/runtime libgo/

mkdir libgo/testsuite/

mkdir libgo/config/

cd libgo/testsuite

for f in /tmp/gccgo/gofrontend/libgo/testsuite/*; do ln -s $f `basename $f`; done

cd ..

cd config/

for f in /tmp/gccgo/gofrontend/libgo/config/*; do ln -s $f `basename $f`; done

cd ..

for f in /tmp/gccgo/gofrontend/libgo/*; do ln -s $f `basename $f`; done

cd ..

cd ..

Now, in emptydir, you can configure.

CFLAGS='-O3' LDFLAGS='-s -w -O3' CXXFLAGS='-O3' gcc-8-20180325/configure  --prefix=/opt/gccgo --disable-bootstrap --disable-libgomp  --without-ppl --without-isl --without-cloog --disable-libada --disable-multilib --enable-__cxa_atexit  --enable-gnu-indirect-function --enable-languages=c,c++,go --disable-libsanitizer

Now after configure went ok, run make (this could take up to two hours!!)

make -j 4

Once that’s succeeded, run sudo make install. Your gccgo will appear in /opt/gccgo/


You can download basic test programs to determine if the generics work. These programs are available at https://github.com/go-li/demo.

$ cd /tmp/

$ git clone https://github.com/go-li/demo.git

Cloning into 'demo'...

remote: Counting objects: 169, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.

remote: Total 169 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 166

Receiving objects: 100% (169/169), 50.62 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (81/81), done.

Checking connectivity... done.

$ /opt/gccgo/bin/gccgo demo/bubblesort.go -static-libgo

$ ./a.out


This tested the bubblesort demo. Other demos from this repo should work as well.

Gccgo bugs

This gccgo frontend has many bugs. However this does not necessarily mean that your programs will fail in production. If your program successfully compiles, it’s usually safe to run it. These bugs limit the possible generics features that you can use in your program. If you use a buggy feature, your program will fail to compile or the compiler will crash.

Varargs does not work

You cannot create and use generic varargs functions. The demo from the top of this document does not work.

Unsafe packages cannot use generics

If you import unsafe, your generic functions won’t be recognized to be generic. Therefore you should never import unsafe while using this proposal.

Import/export does not work for generics

If you create a generic function with a capitalized name, you are asking for a trouble. It will never work.

Wildcard substitution bugs

The type returned by a generic-type-result function is sometimes not the one it should be. This is because wildcard substitution is buggy. In particular parameter-related named types are not returned and not substituted into the result type. You can workaround by casting the function result variable to the right type manually. Also if you use unusual return types like a generic map it will crash because substitution is not implemented.

Only a few generic operations are supported

Only operations supported is copying wildcard-typed value using a pointer:

*dst = *src

And a generic slice index address dereference expression

pointer = &slice[5]

Furthermore you can make generic slices:

make([], 4)

Cannot assign generic variables to interface{}

This doesn’t work and never will.

Cannot cast interface{} to a generic type, like slice := foo.([])

This doesn’t work and never will.

The protection against using of generic types outside of generic context is missing

You should always first develop and test your generic program using the transpiler / playground. Only when you get no errors, you can attempt to compile using gccgo. If you use generic types outside of generic context (top-level generic function) there is no safety and no guarantees.